
Saturday, June 16, 2018

What a week...

Or maybe I should say month.  For the last 3 weeks or so I have been dealing with some retaliation, harassment, bullying, whatever you want to call it from some coworkers.  I went to a manager and they said they would handle it.  I repeatedly asked during that time if I should go to HR and they said no.  Sure, they took care of it, I lost my promotion and I am being investigated for things I supposedly said.  I am so angry and frustrated.  But I have developed an amazing exit plan and am keeping my head high.  Staying professional, well at least until I walk out of the building upon termination or quitting. Still dressed for success.  I have survived much worse so now the main goal is finding a job where professionalish is enforced.

On some good notes....
I had a Paparazzi Jewelry party and got some amazing bling for free.  I got it in Thursday and I adore it all.  So much!  I also got my Ipsy bag.  It is my first month and one item was missing and it is already on its way!  I am amazed and love it!  Still waiting for my Sephora Play box, its been waiting for pick up from the sephora for 3 days now.  That is kind of ticking me off and I will give it a shot next month although I will cancel the first of July.  I just dont like the prolonged ahipping process.  I also have facetory which is a sheet mask subscription and I got those already.  I love it and it is guaranteed me time to relax and chill.  My amazon order consisted of hair dye, a makeup mirror, ear buds and some banana combs.  All but the hair dye are out for delivery today.   Weee!  Better lighting, will be able to hear my music in both ears, and pull my hair back without it being in a fold over bun or one of those little clips.  So lots of little goodies this month!

Ohhhhhh, and I went to mu Dress for Success for resume assistance, got it whipped into shape and helped them clear the basement.  That also meant shopping while we were at it.  My closet is also bursting now!  And I love it!  Wasnt so much fun steaming everything, so I decided once a month slacks and blazers will go to the cleaners.  A gentle wash and steam is good for in between, but some blazers just dont steam well and the slacks need a good atrong crease that will hold up better to washes and steams.  I am turning into such a girly girl and gaining confidence and I love it!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Lessons learned...

I have learned this week not to take the early bus to work.  All the kids are on and decide three seats for one person to nap is perfectly acceptable when it is standing room only.  In addition, they arent about to take their backpack out of the seat next to them so you can sit.  Ugh.  I heavent been myself at work for a bit.  Irritated, down trodden, hopeless.  That makes me nervous for next weeks qa scores.

in But the good, I am an ambassador for Dress for Success this year.  We had fittings for the upcoming photo shoot.  As much as Imhate fashion and clothes, it was fun.  I think I tried on more outfits than I have for a whole year.  Work dress is casual, but the co-ordinator set me straight on not doing this unless I want to accept where I am in my “career”.  I have lost a lot of weight since my last fitting and wardrobe set up and guess what?  Yes, she set me up with a new professional wardrobe!  I mobed all the business clothes to the center of my closet so those jeans wont tempt me.  Ive even set up my outfits for the week including, get this, jewelry!  I am really excited, re-energized and ready to slay this job!  It is a stepping stone for me, but still!  Now I just need to get a new do to go with the new me.  It is amazing what feeling put together can do for your confidence!

I still need to make doctor appt.  The hair is starting to thin due to no thyroid meds.  Going to try and borrow the boys laptop today to get that done.  Preferably before I go bald.  I got the boy a desk and chair for an early birthday present.  We got the chair put togetherr and I think we are tackling the desk today.  I know he will be so happy to have an actual desk.  Things have been better with him this week.  He got a new job he starts on the 15th.  It is a call center and he is in denial of the hell it will be.  I will keep my fingers crossed for him.

Over all, it has been a good couple of weeks.  I am hopeful and feeling positive about this next week!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Getting it right...

I am an intorverted extrovert, or maybe I am a messed up extrovert.  I have social anxiety and a nice handful of other issues.  But I am also one of the most loyal, giving, loving people you will meet.  I have spent the years since my daughters death isolating myself.  I have tried to dip my toes out, but dang people are not what they used to be and like a turtle I duck back in.  I am going to work on that this year.  It is time for change, in me, in my relationships.  I have a love/hate difficult relationship with my son, an amazing relationship with my mom. I work in a call center and Lord have mercy that is worse than high school.  I have a love/hate relationship with fashion.  That journey will most likely be hilarious.  I have 2 furbabies, Tigger and Sheba of the feline variety.  They are my joy and my loves.  I transplanted from Texas to ulstate New York 4 years ago after a divorce.  It is still a shock I am recuperating/adjusting to (the move, not the divorce).  I dont know how this journey will go, I know where I want it to end, but it is probably going to be a wild ride.  Come along for the ride, there will be some laughs, heartache and a place to empathize and relate.